安全保障アナリストで、ドローンと3Dプリンターの研究の専門家、慶應義塾大学SFC研究所上席所員の部谷直亮(ひだに・なおあき)氏が3月23日、ニッポン放送『飯田浩司のOK! Cozy up!』(朝6時~)に出演。ロシアとウクライナの制空権を巡るドローン戦争について解説した。

US Switchblade Kamikaze Drones Delivered To Ukraine ★Undated handout image of a Switchblade drone. The United States is reportedly sending “kamikaze“ drones to Ukraine, as part of a new $ 800 billion (⬠722 billion) weapons package to help the country fight off Russiaâs invasion. The package will include 100 “tactical“ unmanned drones, which US officials speaking on condition of anonymity say are Switchblades - small âsuicideâ drones that explode on impact. The Switchblade is basically a single-use drone thatâs small enough to fit in a backpack, cruises at around 100 km/h and carries cameras, guidance systems and explosives to dive-bomb into its target. Unlike most weapons, the Switchblade can also disengage or abort a mission at any time, and then recommit to another target depending on what the operator commands. This aims to ensure that strikes are precise and can be called off at the very last minute if they endanger civilians or prop=2022年3月18日 ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

■番組タイトル:ニッポン放送『飯田浩司のOK! Cozy up!』
■放送日時:毎週月曜~金曜 午前6時~8時 生放送
■パーソナリティ:飯田浩司 (ニッポン放送アナウンサー)新行市佳 (ニッポン放送アナウンサー)